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Virtual reality (VR) actively gets into the educational system in order to enhance learning outcomes in comparison with traditional face-to-face and online learning activities. So far VRLE (virtual reality learning environment) is very promising in terms of the breakthrough in the studying process. Obviously, like any innovation in the education sphere, such type of learning is hard to accept for some educators, but any actions that potentially can improve learning process should be implemented, no matter how unreal or futuristic they might seem at first.
The prospect of VR in an educational sphere
Introduction of virtual reality in classrooms is very new and a number of students that use VR tools is not exactly estimated yet; however, new studies claim that by 2025 number of students which use VR for accelerating their studying may reach fifteen million. Some educators argue that VR is closer to entertainment than to education, but it is a known fact that education correctly combined with an entertainment can bring amazing results.
The practical issues of using VR at schooling establishments
Since the tools for virtual reality learning are not cheap yet, as this is a new trend in an educational field, implementing them might be an issue. However, after more and more students and teachers feel the benefit of using VR for educational purposes, the price tag might not seem so crucial and will be justified by the results.
Virtual reality learning in action
VR can be used in many fields of study. By some researchers, it is called an empathy tool and can be used for psychology students who via virtual reality can get immersed into the life of those who are, for example, in the heart of the wartime. Biology students can also have a unique experience of observing cells and organs which are not visible to the human eye. For those who study chemistry, it is possible to conduct the experiments without any harm while getting precious knowledge due to the bright visual picture. Astronomy students might get a unique chance to observe celestial bodies of the universe without going into the open space.
Benefit of virtual reality for distance learning
Studying distantly sometimes brings a feeling of isolation. With VR tools a student can have a tour around the campus and university in order to have a sense of belonging to the community. Users can easily access libraries or even laboratories of famous universities.
Undoubtedly, education with the help of virtual reality is potentially very fruitful and effective. At the same time, so far VR is not wide-spread enough, so many educators are skeptical about it. The best solution might be to try using both systems for the utmost benefit of learning. Virtual Reality educating should not substitute traditional ways of learning, but using both educational ways will definitely enhance the results of the studying process.