Prices and taxes

Writing from scratch
Editing / Proofreading
Multiple Choice Questions
Problem Solving
Price per page
14 days
10 days
6 days
3 days
2 days
24 hours
12 hours
6 hours
3 hours
Admission help

Please, take into consideration that VAT tax is not included in the mentioned prices. Only EU customers are charged. It will be added to the price of the paper during the payment process. Every customer is charged in USD; therefore, if you make payment in EUR or any other currency, the conversion fee will also be added.We have no control over the European Central Bank; therefore, you may be charged a different price if the exchange rate is different on the day you make an order at our website.

Loyalty program

We offer bonuses that will help you pay for your orders. When you place an order with pages, you get a credit depending on the number of pages. So, the more orders you place, the more bonuses you get, and the faster you can pay for your order using credits.

How to collect bonuses?

Place a paid order with pages. Qualify for a credit – 5%-15%
Approve order. Get a credit depending on pages count
Amount of the credit will be calculated on the amount of money paid
Use earned bonuses to pay less for the next order

To save your money and get the best result you can combine earned bonuses and discounts. Find out more information about collecting bonuses by contacting our customer support managers and receive a professional consultation on the issue that interests you.