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Nowadays life realities are closely connected with the social networks activities. It is very convenient, since searching for a job you can get a lot of information about the company, you are interested in, read opinions of other people and avoid falling into a trap. For sure, there can be a lot of fake information and unverified facts, but by doing small investigation it is possible to find out what exactly you need.
So as we appreciate the on-line reputation of the employers, the companies and firms explore our reputation in the social networks before making solution about hiring. There are a lot of different aspects to which companies pay attention and which can become determinative factor for your employment.
Take care of your on-line presence
If you want to find a nice position it is important to have a profile on the appropriate sites, which specialize in job hunting and are aimed for job matching. First of all it gives you the source of position search. Thus, you just post the appropriate information about yourself once and receive offers from companies, isn’t it convenient? The next thing is that nowadays companies appreciate and respect customers, who have nice skills of work with the computer and your account in the LinkedIn is the first sign of your knowledge and keeping up with the times.
Make professional posts in LinkedIn
Distinguish your personal matters and professional related issues. LinkedIn is the network for business communication and contacts. Avoid posting things, which have nothing in common with your education, work experience, aptitudes or personal skills. The employer will hardly appreciate such unserious relation and it can result in drawing wrong and undesirable conclusions about you. Thus, you should use your profile in Facebook for all your personal stuff and arrange your LinkedIn page in the continent and official manner.
Arrange your profiles in other social networks
Of course, you have profiles in other networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, where you post anything you like, including the information of different sort. Thus, it seems that there is no difference what photos or videos or any other information you have there, since your page in LinkedIn is perfect and the rest does not matter. Though, a lot of employers take care about the personal qualities of their team, so they can take it a step further and view your profiles in other networks. We doubt if they like the photos in a state of alcoholic or any other intoxication and dissolute or provocative posts. Do your best to eliminate such things, if there are any.
Update and track your LinkedIn profile
It is important to be an active user of the LinkedIn network, if you really want to find a job or arrange your reputation before job hunting. Update your profile with any new achievements you have. Be it an essay paper, published in the college newspaper, a new hobby or improved skills, just show the people that you are ready to develop and aim yourself to carrier and personal growth. Besides, it is significant to track your profile, since you can receive an offer any time and the sooner you answer, the more chances you will have.
Check information out on Google and Bing
All potential employers apply mostly same algorithm of information gathering. They check your profiles in the social network and then specify your name in the network search engines like Google and Bing. That is why, you should stuck to the same plan. Settle the things with your accounts and then insert your name into the search string of the biggest search engines. There can be some feedbacks or reviews from the previous companies, where you worked or just some forums or all possible sorts of other things. Make sure that all the information is positive, if it is not so, do your best to improve the things.
So pay attention to the above mentioned matters and be sure that your on-line reputation will bring your success within the issue of employment and professional growth.