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What do you need to compose a good review? Probably, honesty and excellent criticism, as well as their balance. Well, if we have an unbiased opinion of a person, we can certainly make an informative and honest feedback. But what if this person turns out to be your friend or relative, and you have to make a negative review?
How should you show your critical skills, point at person’s weaknesses, and not hurt his/her feelings? Well, let’s learn how to make the right and good feedback and express your thoughts clearly and accessibly. To succeed with this, check out these seven simple steps presented below and consider their using.
Do not delay it
The first and most significant tip here is to give a feedback early. We all sometimes delay doing certain things because of their complexity or boredom. But in this specific case, you have to be very careful and responsible since the future of another person depends on your opinion. The sooner you begin writing a review, the more time and chances a person has to correct mistakes or improve the quality of work.
Be merciful
Except that you need to be critical when giving feedback, you still need to be humane and gracious. For example, if we see huge problems in another person’s behavior, appearance, work etc., we do not need to water him/her with dirt, but calmly and affectionately explain what is problematic. If a person understands his or her fault and will receive an unbearable criticism from you, he/she can be offended. So be strict, but polite.
Criticize only what they need
Of course, you may feel uncomfortable when criticizing someone, especially a friend or parent. The most important thing is WHAT you actually write in your feedback. Criticize only what is asked, work or behavior, but in no case the person himself. Help him with solving a problem, and advise what to do or improve.
Don’t be self-centered
When you make a feedback, know who you are and what you do. Each of us is unique in our capabilities and lifestyle, therefore, opinions should be strictly subjective and never imposing. If you are not an artist, not an actor, not a poet, not an architect, not an IT manager, not an economist, or not a teacher, you cannot criticize people having experience in these areas. Adhere to your opinion whenever you need to criticize the attitude of a person. You do not need to change him or her, but just point out the drawbacks, remember this.
Find good sides
If you give a totally negative feedback, a person will feel absolute discomfort and insult. You should find both positive and negative sides, and place them harmonically in the review. Believe me, the person receiving your feedback would be glad to get a fair critique, as well as compliments, and respect your point of view.
Consider your audience
In order to make a great review, you need to know as much as possible about the person himself. If you know his interests well, it will help you create a criticism that is suitable and very understandable to him with the help of comparisons. If you praise for something, associate it with the person’s preferences, and if you criticize something, compare it with what a person does not approve, but without exaggeration.
Take into account the six previous steps and practice reviewing from time to time. The art of giving feedbacks require time, so learn how to correctly state your opinion, find good and bad things, and make excellent criticism.