How to Enjoy Essay Writing?

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Many students hate writing essays. Writing essays is an annoying part of the high school and college experience for those who hate it. However, essay writing does not have to feel like a burden. In fact, if you master a few basic writing tips, it can even be enjoyable.

Learning how to have fun and enjoy writing essays may be the most productive thing you can do for yourself. It will save you a lot of time and effort over the rest of your school life. Here are a few tips to make essay writing more enjoyable:

Set a routine.

The most difficult thing about writing an essay for most students is starting to work. So you will have to come up with something that will motivate you to sit down and pick up a pen/start typing. Why do not you take inspiration from professional writers? Few of them sit down at a desk and begin scribbling pages of text.

They begin with a routine to get used to it. Make a coffee or tea for yourself. Take a seat in a cozy and quiet room. Make yourself comfortable and ready to write. Choose a space that is welcoming and comfortable. Put some lo-fi beats on if there is any distraction. Make the experience enjoyable.

Get a sense of it.

It is all about the aesthetics for certain people. Without visuals, photographs, and imagery, reading and writing are simply not the same. Why not use the same logic in your essay? Hand-write your text and doodle something to help you visualize your ideas. Sure, your final text will be limited to black and white, Times New Roman, and double-spaced. However, this does not suggest that you must write your essay in this way.

Try a specialized app.

Having some technical assistance might help you enjoy your essay writing better. Assume you have no trouble composing your first draft. However, you become stuck during the editing stage. Grammarly is minimalist software that clues you into spelling and grammar mistakes, notifies you when something is wrong and underlines mistakes so you can change them. It is one of many simple editing tools that can help you.

Team up with a friend

One of the most rewarding aspects of acquiring a new skill is being able to share what you have learned with others. Debating and discussing an issue might help you better understand the subject. Someone else’s perspective may challenge yours, forcing you to explore a fresh perspective or supporting you in strengthening your defense. Working on an essay with a buddy or classmate can be more enjoyable and interesting.


There are lots of options to make essay writing more enjoyable. The writing process can become fun and enjoyable by creating a routine to get you started, allowing yourself to be creative while you write your essay, using software to help you stay organized or with editing, and working with a friend. Good luck with your writing!