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Engaging learners by introducing gaming into the educational process is the way of teaching that brings great results. It is innovative and effective, and it can become very useful for those who are trying to succeed in an educational field. However, one must know that the different type of gamer requires a different approach. As a result of the study, Dr. Richard Bartle came out with 4 types of gamers. Knowing this classification can help adapt the learning process to maximize the outcome.
The first and foremost thing for this type of gamers is a result. There are different reasons why people play games, but achievers see only two options in the game – you either win or you lose. They also need sharing their success with others. This works as a motivation for bigger achievements, so displaying of their trophies is vitally important to them.
In the learning field, similarly to the gaming world, achievers must be challenged continuously. However, most importantly, they need to be gratified for their progress. Creating a badge system will make it very likely that the achiever will return to your educational platform for a new portion of exciting experience brought by the sense of winning and appraisal.
If achievers are focused on the result, explorers make an emphasis on the process. They can be identified by such feature as a curiosity to discover as many interesting facts as possible. Explorers do not get fixated on the idea of winning or losing. They prefer to concentrate their attention and efforts on the discovery process.
While learning, such type of gamers would prefer not to rush to be better than anyone else. They will choose to study the material at their own pace and experience their journey to the fullest by getting new knowledge without trying hard to get the excellence badge. Obviously, it is still necessary to keep a track of their progress and provide with the information in terms of explorer’s accomplishments.
Social interaction is an important aspect of gaming. There are gamers who are comfortable to explore the game world on their own, but there are those who prefer collaboration as opposed to sole playing. They feel the need to share their successes and, most importantly, discuss all the issues that they faced in the process.
Knowledge of gaming socializers’ habits in a learning world can be very useful. The key is in the sharing of the experience, thoughts, and complaints. All this will work as a suggestion of what to work on in order to improve your learning platform. Creating an informal learning community may help your learners get a deeper knowledge of the subject and make your learning platform successful.
Killers in a game world are a specific type of competitors. They are more ruthless than any others, which, naturally, very often gives them an advantage. They want to win at all cost – and it does mean at all cost. They can hack the hackers and they don’t care who they will trample along the way.
Killers can have a huge drive which can be used to bring great results in an educational process. Their force is immense, and if it is used on a gamified learning platform, it can overshadow any traditional training approach.
We highlighted 4 main types of gamers’ features which can be used to enhance the educational process. Many game players can combine even all 4 types that we described, but understanding them can bring success to your learning platform as well as to your learners.